



Departing is easier when one knows one will be returning.

Spending is easier when one knows one will get something in return.

Seeing is a matching of visual appearances to patterns existing in our mind. Returning to what is there.


Drawing is returning to what one believes to have seen with a gesture of one’s hand.

Drawing is a recursive loop between the hand holding the pencil and the eye observing the mark made by the hand holding the pencil.


The hand takes the credit card and pushes it into the ATM slot. Parting from the card is easier when one believes it will be returned.

Sleeping is easier when one believes one will wake up again.


The eyeballs are in constant motion. Moving from left to right as they read this text, only to return back to the left onto the next line and start again.

When observing an image, the eyeballs move randomly around it. Attempting to redraw the lines with their movement.


Recognizing familiar letters is easier than recognizing unfamiliar lines.

A return is a return to safety.